Spartan School Of Taekwon-Do
Spartan Taekwon-Do is an organisation that strives to uphold the integrity and goals of General Choi Hong Hi & Pioneer Rhee Ki Ha, First Grand Master, which includes following the guidelines and principles set forth in the Student Oath, the Tenets of Taekwon-Do, Moral Culture and Martial Art Ethics. We were established in 2008.
Our lessons are a combination of patterns, line work, breaking, sparring and self defence. Our classes get the student ready for gradings which are heard every 3/4 months. The grading are contacted but an international Instructor or a Grandmaster.
Spartan Taekwon-Do are proud to be a part of A.C.E. Taekwon-Do which a Society for Traditional and Authentic Taekwon-Do. The Society has been established by Grandmaster Paul Cutler, who studied directly under Pioneer Rhee Ki Ha, First Grand Master and General Choi Hong Hi, the founder of Taekwon-Do.
The head instructor of Spartan Taekwon-Do is Mr Steven Paris II Dan, who has been a part of the school since the start. He learns from Grandmaster, senior masters and masters of A.C.E Taekwon-Do. He has been promoted to II Dan by Grandmaster Paul Cutler and Grandmaster Raymond O’Neil. He has B Class Instructor certificate, First Aid, and holds a valid DBS.
Pictures below are of BlackBelt Grading In Dundee with
Pioneer Rhee Ki Ha
Grandmaster Paul Cutler and Grandmaster Raymond O’Neil